Cheerfulness :)
"The cheerful heart has a continual feast."
~Proverbs 15:15 NIV
Cheerfulness is more than a perky personality trait.
It’s an Attitude that causes you to see the best in other people…
It’s an Attitude that causes you to put aside negative thoughts and choose to give God the praise and glory for each new day.
TRUE cheerfulness is an attitude that allows you to be compassionate, caring kind and encouraging to others no matter what your circumstances might dictate.
Cheerfulness is in fact a sign of faith – that God will cause all things to work out for your good and for his glory.
May our positive perspective on life not be dependent on the changing winds of circumstance.
Instead, may it be grounded in God, who is unchanging.
Even during difficult times, see your Attitude of cheerfulness as a sacrifice of praise to our loving Father. You will soon find that you can serve as a sign of hope and encouragement to others!
Task: Ask God to help you spread that cheerfulness around through your smile and your happy disposition.
“欢迎你来出席我们的音乐会!Hehe... ”
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.
~Proverbs 15: 30 NIV

*cheerful mosaic Michael J. Foster
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