The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
New every morning
Great is thy faithfulness, Oh Lord
Great is thy faithfulness
After our very looong sharing on the eve of New Year, I think one common thing that most of us mentioned was: God's unchanging character, his faithfulness, his steadfastness -- however you want to say it.
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
New every morning
Great is thy faithfulness, Oh Lord
Great is thy faithfulness
After our very looong sharing on the eve of New Year, I think one common thing that most of us mentioned was: God's unchanging character, his faithfulness, his steadfastness -- however you want to say it.
On the other hand, how WE have changed over the year. Whatever we have been through in 2007, we see and are witnesses to how people are always changing. Its just human nature to change.
From pride to humility;
From immaturity to maturity;
From small to big;
From big to small;
From unpolished to polished;
From disappointment to hope;
From doubt to faith;
From strangers to family;
From unfinished to completion;
The list is unending and it works both ways; we change for the better and for the worse. But thank God for He remains faithful for who He is. I can't remember some verse which says that with Him there are no shifting shadows (can someone enlighten me please?).
There is no need for Him to change because He is already perfect. But we, we measly humans are so far from His standard that we HAVE to change, we NEED to change, to be more like Him each day. If you reflected and realised you are still the same inside out, I would say I feel very sorry for you, honestly. But thank God that with His mercies new every day, we are empowered to change by His might, for His glory.
Changing to be more Christ-like, to lead more God- centered lives. (I recall some of our resolutions for 2008...)
May ALL of us strive towards that perfect standard embodied in Christ this coming year and also meditate everyday, on the steadfast love and faithfulness of our Lord.
I truly pray that all of us will experience change that renews our mind and spirit day by day.
Don't forget to pray!
Cheers to a New Year folks! :)

"Yam........ Seng!!!"
Cheers to a New Year folks! :)

"Yam........ Seng!!!"
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