Sunday, March 23, 2008

What we did on 22.3.08

(photos mildly edited)


恒久忍耐!(It just happened that I wore the shirt with those words. Ha.)

I felt kind of bad not participating in the workout. So I made this one in that ‘holding’ position.

Now, the main thing…feet-washing!
Enjoying it?

Oh...The cute one-on-one wash!

In the midst of all the fun, laughter, screaming and enjoyment (or torture), the significance of this act stays in our mind.

He was the teacher of the 12 disciples, but he was willing to do this lowly task.
Jesus is above all, yet he chose to be the servant of man.
All that he did for us was…because of love. Because of love.

Let us continue to serve one another out of love. =)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Restless silence.

How did Barabbas feel when the soldiers came to free him? He was on the death row for the hideous crimes he had committed. He was going to pay for them with his life. Then all of a sudden, the soldiers unlocked the cell and told him he could go free. How did he feel when he knew that he was freed because the crowd had decided that they preferred to crucify Jesus instead? How did he feel when he found out that Jesus had done nothing wrong to deserve what the crowd had condemned Him to?

His life in exchange for mine. How should I live my life as a redeemed today?

How did Simon from Cyrene feel when the guards ordered him to carry the cross for Jesus on the way to that fateful hill? Did he do it willingly or grudgingly? Did he do it because he had no choice? Or because he felt he needed to do something for Jesus? Did he feel ashamed to walk on the road to the hill, meant for the most terrible criminals? What did the cross mean to Simon? A burden? A symbol of shame?

The burden of our sins on Him was probably heavier. How should I carry His cross today?

What happened on the day between the day of crucifixion and the day of resurrection? What did everyone do? Was life in the town normal again? How did everyone feel, not knowing that Christ is going to rise again? Emptiness? Hopelessness? Guilt? Disbelief?

The day of dark deafening silence, where hope was thought to be rotting in the tomb, slowly disintegrating.

But for me, this day is a day of anticipation. I already know He has risen!

Waiting for the glorious Easter sunrise.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This week is the Holy Week.
I went back to the bible to recall the events which occurred these few weeks many, many years ago. As I read about the events leading up to the death of Jesus, I spotted some relations.

Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume and wiped his feet with her hair (John 12:3). Jesus washed his disciples’ feet before he was captured(John 13).

Mary’s deed foreshadows Jesus’ act of washing the disciples’ feet.
It models for us the humble service all followers of Christ are to perform.

While in the Temple, Jesus took notice of the people presenting their offerings. It was here that He took special notice of a widow who gave all she had (Mark 12:41-44)

This event foreshadows Jesus’ fast-approaching sacrifice, when put in everything – all he had to live on.

To a world that was lost,
He gave all he could give,
To show us the reason to live…

In reflecting on Christ's sufferings this year, let us not forget our call as Christians to "take up our crosses" and follow in Christ's footsteps. As we reflect on Christ's gift to us on the Cross this week, let's ponder how we can give our lives as gifts in return. Then, we can more fully experience Christ's glory on Easter morning.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Holy Week schedule

Good Friday (Rehearsal)
Date: 19/03/08 Wednesday
Time: 7:30 - 10 pm
Singers/Lectors: Yi Le, Beatrice, Aiping

Easter (Rehearsal)
Date: 21/03/08 Good Friday
Time: 1pm - 2:30 pm
Singers: Fu Xing, Wen Xin, Beatrice, Aiping


Good Friday 21/03/08
Meeting Time: 7:30 AM
Attire: All black
* 十架心情 scores in black file

Easter Sunday 23/03/08
Meeting time: 10 AM
Attire: Red top + black pants
* Hallelujah Chorus scores in red file

Friday, March 7, 2008

生命的流露 -为主发光

I was just listening to our 简牧师's sermon and January anthem.
Somehow, I find that certain parts of it are relevant to our March anthem.

"我们需要在言语上见证我们的上帝。我们更加要在行为上来见证我们的上帝。如果你什么都不讲,你不讲你是基督徒,甚至说你不传福音,但是你单单通过你的行为,人家就感觉的到你不一样,你是基督徒,那你就成功了. "

May the word of the Lord be in our hearts.

May others see the peace of God in our hearts.

This is what you can do for the 卖火柴的小女孩(s) in your life.
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35

May those who are lost know about this abundant life God promised us.

God help us all.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stories for March anthem - Turn on your light and burn bright

When cold wind blew, lyrics of our March anthem came to my mind.


Whenever I sing this line, I seem to picture 卖火柴的小女孩儿.
A girl left alone on a winter night. She lighted up all her matchsticks, one by one, hoping that they would keep her warm and alive. But in the end, she froze to dead. This is … one tragic story.


‘ You’ are there but ' you ' told her ' you ' could not help her in any way. Is it really true?
Where did ‘you’ place the lamp?

Max Lucado tells a story about some candles which refuse to be taken from a storage closet to provide light during an electrical storm. (To read the whole story, go to .) Each candle has its own excuses why it should not give out light. When the husband tells his wife that the candles don’t work, she explains, “Oh, they are church candles.” Often our lives seem to be like these candles. We choose to be lighted up bright in situations when there is already enough light or stay dim in circumstances when we may be the only light that is available.

The world needs the lights.
We are called to live imitating Christ.
Just as Jesus illuminated our lives, let us, being imitators of Christ, do the same for others.


Monday, March 3, 2008


Combined choir practice for Easter
9th March (Sun) 2pm to 4pm Sanctuary
16th March (Sun) [tentative]

Sorry if this disrupts your plans. It ruffled a few feathers last Sunday but I hope all is well now. It's hard co-ordinating practices for a 60+ ppl choir, so let's appreciate the effort that Esther is making.

Change in prac time
8th March (Sat) 3:30pm to 6pm

Shao Tuan's starting at 7pm this week, so to give you ample time for dinner or prayer meeting or prep for ling chang, we start earlier too. We've got lots to cover: mike test for March anthem, the Good Friday mood piece, the 'new' piece for April...We may not have time for Handel, so it's important that you all turn up for the Easter practices.

And please, for the umpteenth time: COME ON TIME!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Not that easy to Handel

It was a mad mad day of practice this afternoon: one moment minor and weepy, next moment major and happy!

And well, Hallelujah Chorus ain't that eay to Handel after all eh? For those who are interested, here's a video (more like audio) recording of it by Saint Severin Choir. Enjoy!