Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Valentine Medley

On 16th Feb, 6 boys presented a song to a group of girls, who were utterly (pleasantly) surprised and hysterical!... Haha.

"Wow, wow what a rare occasion for the boys to be so sweet...", were probably the thoughts that flew past their minds... But then again, it was such a rare and sweet moment that none had time to be picky. So they listened very attentively, watched very intensely and giggled very vigourously...

At the end of the song...

"APPLAUSE!!!!!!!..... Clap Clap Clap!" Standing Ovation

What a splendid performance it was! Sincere voices coupled with tootsie little actions, which looked very unrehearsed but, who cares? It could only make us go "Awwww..."
On behalf of all the privileged ladies of Dom7th:

"I love you,
You love me.
We are happy family.
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you!
Won't you say you love me too! "

Thank you boys for the sweet-as-chocolate performance :):):)

But I do hope it lasts beyond Valentine's Day...

Looking back...

Arrangement by Jireh Chua

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Will you give it to him?

Valentine’s day. The day when we think about hearts, flowers and chocolate.
If God is our valentine, how does our passion for God display itself?
Do we busy ourselves in Christian service? Do we wear the brazen Christian t-shirt so everyone will know we are a Christian?

We do, we say, we act, we show... but do we mourn?
Yes, mourn.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines contrite as, "Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses; penitent."

Sometimes, we think that God delights solely in all our efforts and sacrifice. The psalmist paints a different picture, however. God delights in a broken and contrite heart.

神所要的祭, 就是忧伤的灵. 神啊, 忧伤痛悔的心, 你必不轻看. (诗篇51:17)

I think sometimes we do all the other things so that we don't have to focus on our sins and how utterly broken we are. God knows of all of these moments and it saddens Him. The incontrovertible fact is that no amount of Christian service or any other thing will cover the sin that resides in our heart.

God does not want your chocolate hearts, your flower, or even your food. He wants a broken and contrite heart for Valentine's Day and every day. Will you give it to Him?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

大扫橱 – discard and rearrange

I am here to blog about something related to CNY (大扫橱).

大扫橱. Something we do every Chinese New Year Eve.
It is also the activity which shows you how much dust you accumulated for one year.
And how badly my dust-sensitive nose suffers.

I guess in this festive season some reflection is never too inappropriate. So here are some questions for you. I would strongly encourage you to take some time and think about them.

We clear all the junk in our house each year.

Similarly, are there things that we need to discard in our lives ?

After discarding the piles of junk we get really tired so rearrangement would be a part left out during 大扫橱. It may not be necessary if the things you have are already at the places you want. However, it is sometimes not the case in our lives.
Do our priorities need to some rearrangement too?

With God as our cleaning agent, let us clean up the specks of dusts in our lives .

Hope all of you would have a greater awareness of what is happening in your lives and move on to the (Chinese) new year with a clear direction in mind.

Have a mousy good new year! =)

Monday, February 4, 2008


entrusted with a heavier responsibility in tuanqi, i've been getting myself into more bible studies, personally trying alot harder to do my own quiet time.

recently during a certain bible study, i was asked this question.
Is jesus precious to you? What's the difference between christianity and any other religions?

think about it for awhile, dear reader.

when we say yes, jesus is precious to me, why do we say that?
because.. erm. he rescued us from hell and we get to enjoy the comforts of heaven?
(brings us back to the previous, previous post where God asked us if we loved his gifts more than we love him)

jesus is precious, because without him, i cant get anywhere.
when i die, i'll be eating God's wrath raw, in my face.
Jesus is precious, because im throughly wretched.

Am I totally wretched? I asked myself, on the spot.
I know i am, but i know in disbelief.

Again there is always a line between knowing and believing.

reminds me of how i was in a bus, and in a hurry at the same time, one fine day.

I was going to be late, and it wouldnt be nice. A traffic junction dictated my fate.
red light- late
green light- not too late.

shamelessly i was praying for a green light.
The light was green then.

just when the bus was inches away from crossing the junction, the lights moved from green, to orange, and finally red.

Right then in my mind, i was reminded.
some time ago, i was speaking with an atheist on the net.
he said " if there was a God, how come so many prayers go, but nothing happens?"

At that very moment, the red light made sense.
we've got everything wrong.
If we dont get what we pray, it actually proves that there is a God.
There is actually someone who has the ability to judge and decide, to give or not to give.

alright erm back to the point.
So whats the difference between christianity and other religions?

Could it be that in christianity we do good for God's glory and not for our own glory?
I'm afraid suicide bombers believe in the same thing.

i dont have other examples to offer so i'll head to my point.

the difference is, in christianity, we have a saviour.
the difference is, in christianity, we learn that we cannot do good.

to put it shortly, in christianity, we learn that we are nothing but useless bags of trash.
In us there is NOTHING good.
We cannot save ourselves, even if doing good actually earns salvation, BECAUSE WE SIMPLY CANNOT DO GOOD!

And thats why we have a saviour.
But unless we come to terms with our condition (hopeless, useless) we will never truly accept the saviour.
But the problem is pride.

We cannot deal with pride.
No proud person would even intend to deal with himself.

so my mentor said.
read the bible, read it with all due humility
And let the bible do the reprimanding.

there is no shame in being humble
but being proud is absolutely shameless.

God help us all.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Practice is on as usual this coming Saturday, 9th February 年初三 4pm to 6pm.

Please tell your parents early so arrangements can be made and things won't turn out ugly. And I'm sure you guys wanna come for prac very badly, right? Right? Haha...

(I should say why this prac is crucial: 17th Feb is 献唱。Considering the amount of time you guys spend practising on your own, if we skip this prac and wait till the 16th, we'll be very very rusty.)

Be responsible choristers: please don't over-indulge on the new year goodies or your voice may just decide to walk out on you.

*end of annoucement*

I think you guys sounded quite good during rehearsal today: there were a few moments that sounded like ear-candy, oozing zest and zeal =)

Brought me back to my JC choir days.

Keep up the good work!