yes, during sermon there was this voice resounding in my head.
must write, must write....
well the verse for the sermon was phil 1:9
9And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,
as usual, a chinese methodist pastor would go and say
hence, we must achieve a balance between our biblical knowledge and our love for one another.
that'd miss the point, because there is no balance to speak of if true spiritual knowledge results in greater love: which you'll discover in verse 10
10so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,
Not reckless love, but righteous God glorifying love.
thank God, the pastor didnt go "as usual" and delivered the message as it is.
my contention? balance.
i dislike the word balance because people just misunderstand it.
this is imbalance, as many think, and are right in think so..
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balance, as they think
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not so, balance isnt the compromise of one leading to the rise of another.
If the rows on the left represent knowledge and the right represents love, what are we saying?
that an avid reader of the bible and spiritual books should put down his book and start trying to manufacture affections of love for the people around him?
Not so, if he is lacking in love, let him repent. What safer way to repent than to continue keeping himself deeply rooted in meditation of His word?
The Christian balance is radical, it is not a compromise:
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This, is then a balance worthy of being called "Christ-likeness".
God is infinite, and has infinite zeal in everything he does. His justice, His mercy, the wrath He made Jesus bear on the cross, His love, His glory etc.
If as Christians we seek to conform to the image of Christ, then such is the balance we want to seek in our lives.
And God isn't being harsh on us by demanding such a standard. Refer to the message at the start of this post!
God says to you that if indeed you comprehend (hence grow) in knowledge, then your love will be refined, will grow, as well!
He has prepared ahead of us a perfect mechanism to help us.
Hence, do not be discouraged, it isn't easy, but God already knows.