Monday, April 11, 2011

The beauty of the cross

"To a salesperson, everyone looks likes a sales prospect, and everything looks like a sales gimmick. To a missionary, everyone looks like a convert, and everything looks like a religious symbol...”

My friend put that up as his Facebook status one day probably out of annoyance. We’ve probably felt this before. If we set our hearts on a certain purpose, we can probably see its manifestation, opportunities and/or significance everywhere.

Last Saturday, Dom7th was tasked to go looking for crosses in church. It’s interesting to see where the crosses turned up.

It isn’t difficult to spot crosses if we expect to see it in the ordinary.

“For those who will see, the cross of Christ is expectantly present in every moment and every scene. In its beauty, we are changed.” - Jill Carattini

Do we see His cross in everything we do, in everything we are? Our identity, our purpose, our worldview, our relationships with people (and things), our job, our ministry, our mundane conversations, our decision-making…

Are we transformed by the beauty of the cross?

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