Sunday, October 28, 2007

another rainy day

I was almost home when it started pouring just now.

The rain was falling fast and forceful at an angle -- the kind that will get you wet even when you're holding an umbrella -- because the winds were very strong.

From the common corridor just above my flat, I saw people dashing madly to the void decks of the nearby blocks to escape the wrath of the rain.

Just then, right in front of my eyes, a brown bird swopped down from great heights and flew into a sturdy tree for shelter. It stood on a bough and shook from side to side, probably drying its feathers.

How amazing, I thought. I never ever see birds fly to the void deck for shelter. They just know where to go to hide from the rain.

When you're weather-beaten, do you know where to go? Who do you turn to?

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