Thursday, February 14, 2008

Will you give it to him?

Valentine’s day. The day when we think about hearts, flowers and chocolate.
If God is our valentine, how does our passion for God display itself?
Do we busy ourselves in Christian service? Do we wear the brazen Christian t-shirt so everyone will know we are a Christian?

We do, we say, we act, we show... but do we mourn?
Yes, mourn.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines contrite as, "Feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses; penitent."

Sometimes, we think that God delights solely in all our efforts and sacrifice. The psalmist paints a different picture, however. God delights in a broken and contrite heart.

神所要的祭, 就是忧伤的灵. 神啊, 忧伤痛悔的心, 你必不轻看. (诗篇51:17)

I think sometimes we do all the other things so that we don't have to focus on our sins and how utterly broken we are. God knows of all of these moments and it saddens Him. The incontrovertible fact is that no amount of Christian service or any other thing will cover the sin that resides in our heart.

God does not want your chocolate hearts, your flower, or even your food. He wants a broken and contrite heart for Valentine's Day and every day. Will you give it to Him?

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