Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm lost. Very lost.

I am 'Lost in Wonder, Love and Praise. '

As Charles Wesley himself expressed it very endearingly in 'Love Divine, All Loves Excelling'; hymn no. 44, 'Hymns of Life', categorized under 'GOD-HIS LOVE AND GRACE.'

Indeed, I have been experiencing God's immeasurable love and grace upon me for such a period as this that I am literally lost. Yeh, lost for words, (pun intended) So, I can only sing and pray and meditate and it is still not enough to express it all!

Have you ever been so overwhelmed by such a a HUGE downpour of mercy, grace and love? It is overwhelming to the extent that you get lost in its vastness.

How vast is your ocean O Lord, how small is my boat.

If my boat is lost in His wonder, love and praise; Ah, May it never find its way out...

I will willingly and indulgingly row about in the peaceful, still waters.

Of course, God's goodness never ceases so you might be asking why is it only now that I experience it. I think it is only when one knows the dangers, feels the fear, expects the unexpected, understands self-helplessness will one be empty and broken before being filled to the brim and all the goodness just keeps on overflowing and flowing and flowing... Then ta-da! one ends up in the light of:

'Lost in wonder, love and praise'

Dear friends,
Stop and meditate on His wonder, love, mercy and grace and may you then exclaim:

"Changed from glory into glory

Till in heav'n we take our place,

Till we cast our crowns before Thee,

Lost in wonder, love and praise."

I bet you you can't stop singing it.

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