Today, we had a sobering reminder that love is not self-seeking but rather, self-denial.
The self seekers expect gain from a relationship but God wants us to think about his concept of love and see love in a different light.
Here in Luke Chapter 6:27-36 is a snippet of what God's love is about: loving your enemies. One who study his words will wonder what he mean when he said that "to him who strikes you in one cheek, offer the other also(1). And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either(2). Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back(3)."
That's insane! You mean I have to do this literally? Just what is Jesus getting at?
1. In the midst of rejection, Jesus wants us to continue to serve Him even if it mean exposing yourselves to the threat of rejection. Love is vulnerable, likely subjected to repeated abuse.
2. One should not seek revenge but remain exposed. One should also be willing to take even more risks because of love.
3. One is to be generous (= putting others' needs first = self-denial) and not keep count.
Such self-denial is the essence of love. The consummate example is the cross, where Jesus gave to those who had taken.
- When God commanded us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves did it occur to you that our neighbours actually include our enemies?
- Having known the love of God, are we sensitive to the conditions of our neighbours? Do we put ourselves in their shoes before we judge them?
May God's love compel us to love like how he loves us.
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