Tuesday, December 25, 2007


It is 3.13 am now and I am still typing frantically away on the key board, trying to finish my Christmas cards.

But, I still have the urge to share about this.

Its Christmas morning, and its very quiet. And I am listening to track no. 5, which is
恩典在等待。。。How apt... I wonder if all was really quiet when Jesus was born.

To continue where Aiping left off,

"为要把身躯十架上奉献, 使绝望的罪人拥有明天"
He was borned to die as a sacrifice.

"悲伤,遗憾不再是永远... "

"因着 恩典到人间那一天"
We were, We Are, the reason that there is Christmas.

I pray that we will be filled with the joy of Christmas EVERYDAY, the joy of knowing that Christ is the reason we live.

A tender baby brought blessings to us ALL
Will you come embrace this blessing?

Have a Very Blessed Christmas :)

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