Sunday, December 30, 2007

Time to say Goodbye...

No one's talking...

Yesterday was the last choir practice of the year for Dom7th. Don't know why it didn't feel that it was the last, maybe cos we have been so used and so comfortable with each other that every week spent is just like every other week. So, the first is the last, the last is the first etc...

But, yesterday, there was this subtle sadness hanging in the air. Maybe it came from the teary eyes and tired minds of camp. Haha or it could just be me being emo.
Yesterday was the last practice for our Dear Tianyu and Zhongjie.

Oh man, 5 years for one and 9 years for the other. Why not make it 10 Zhongjie? :P

How they have 坚守岗位 for all these years is amazing. Suddenly, one fantabulous bass is leaving and our funny tianyu is leaving too. Boo.... Thank God for their dedicated voices and for their LIFE that has created sparks amongst us when we sharpen and encourage each other through all times.
Do bring your LIFE and your VOICE with you to your other ministries and keep the passion alive!

However, beside the little sadness, there was joy too when God very graciously provided us with 2 more new members!....


Yayyeyeyey. And Yes, ervine, we trust that you have absolutely no ulterior motive... Vignette welcome to us! The girls really need to boost strength :)
We are still welcoming more! Do NOT hesitate if you want to be a part of Dom7th :):):)

Oh and practice will revert back to 4.oo-6.00pm! No more rushing around like kan cheong spiders... Haha we WILL miss rehearsal for the concert though, I'm sure.

Steamboat tomorrow. Almost like our ritual every year end. Sigh, but this year will be even more nolstalgic and sad and reluctance.. Okay I shan't get too caught up in this!!!

Can't wait for tomorrow, for 2008!

Enjoy your Kukup trip Fuxing! We'll miss you.

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